BSC Report: Overview of Recent World News and Events
King Charles Robs Dead Britons, Fake Nukes, Bitcoin Psyop, and More Nonsense In Clown World
👑How The British Royal Family Profit From Deceased Britons
In October 2024 an investigation by The Sunday Times and Channel 4's Dispatches reported that King Charles makes a non taxable income from charging institutions such as the NHS (the UK’s taxpayer funded national health service) and the MoD (Ministry of Defence) rent through The Duchy of Lancaster - a property empire which provides a private income to the monarch.
According to The Duchy of Lancaster's website:
“At the end of March 2024, the Duchy of Lancaster had £647.6m of net assets under its control, delivering adjusted net surplus of £27.4m. These take the form of property and financial assets.”
However this is not the only way that the British Royal Family profits from its subjects through the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall. Dr.Mark Felton - a British Historian - in one of his YouTube videos explains how a medieval practice called “bona vacantia” which is Latin for unowned property still generates huge amounts of wealth for the King and Prince of Wales.
Dr. Felton explains that King George III gave control of the revenues generated from what is called the Crown Lands - anywhere in the British Empire - to Parliament in exchange for a fixed annual payment. King George did not give up his duchies though which would continue to generate money for the King and his heirs down to King Charles III today.
The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall both use the ancient practice of bona vacantia to claim the property of anyone who dies without a will in areas that fall under their jurisdiction - for the Duchy of Lancaster this includes the City of Manchester and some of the surrounding areas. Bona vacantia Dr.Felton explains was used by both King George V during WWI and by George the VI during WWII to claim unknown numbers of dead soldiers and sailors property that were from areas that fell under either of the Duchies jurisdictions. This medieval practice still continues today helping to enrich the Royal Family through the deaths of its own people.
Conclusion: Family that has a long history of profiting from human suffering; opium wars, slavery, colonialism etc also makes money from the death of its own citizens.
💣The Nuclear Bomb Myth
Over recent months the WWIII rhetoric has been picking up more and more pace and now everyday there seems to be a story about nuclear weapons being used by either Ukraine or Russia. I’m sure we were all taught in school about the only time in history nuclear weapons were used and the devastating damage they caused. I’m also pretty sure if like me you didn’t live through the Cold War you had a relative who had and they likely told you stories of what life was like during that period of history when the threat of world wide total nuclear destruction was a constant threat.
Yes, the threat of nuclear war and the inevitable destruction has been a threat that has hung over mankind's heads ever since WWII. But what if the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings were not nuclear at all? What if that story is just another one of the many lies we’ve been taught?
These are some of the questions that Peter Duke in one of his latest GPT book summaries answers. In Peter's summary of “Hiroshima Revisited by Michael Palmer” we learn some very interesting facts that lead to the conclusion that nuclear bombs were not the cause of the destruction seen at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I won’t go into all the points and evidence made in the summary but here's a quick overview of some of the evidence;
First the atomic bomb narrative is scrutinised because of how quickly the scientist managed to make the bomb and there are doubts around the success of “Little Boy” the first test nuke.
There are alternative explanations to account for the damage attributed to the nuclear bombs - other Japanese cities that were subjected to firebombing look similar to Nagaski and Hiroshima. Eyewitness testimonies also speak of undamaged structures such as bridges that were not damaged but were at the centre of where the atom bomb was (supposedly) dropped.
Various forms of analysis were done to search for evidence of a nuclear bomb having been used; for eg tests were done to the soil to measure levels of uranium-235 and cesium-137 but there were no spikes found in the levels to suggest a nuclear detonation.
Survivors who were diagnosed with symptoms of “radiation sickness” could have been suffering from exposure to sulphur mustard gas which closely mimics the effects of radiation poisoning.
Peter’s summary covers the topic in a lot more detail and I highly recommend reading it and Hiroshima Revisited by Michael Palmer.
Conclusion: Nukes are fake but what isn’t in this clown world?
☠️UK Government Granted Power To Legally Murder Its Citizens
In the UK MPs have passed a bill that will allow for people who have 6 months left to live to apply for the state to murder them - by what is being called assisted dying. Yes, the trend of governments allowing their citizens to ask if their government will kill them has now arrived in the UK.
Opponents to the bill have largely been ignored and now it is likely only a matter of time before we will see and hear stories similar to those in other countries where assisted dying has been brought in such as Canada; people have reported their friends using MAiD - the Canadian governments program for legally euthanizing its citizens - where the victim of the government's policy only chose to use it because they felt it was easier to access “death care” than health care.
Unsurprisingly the Guardian's deputy political editor wrote an article expressing that MPs had no choice but to pass the assisted (legal) dying (murder) bill because public opinion was in support of the government whose leader has largely lost what little public support he had since taking office.
Do you think King Charles is looking forward to the prospect of some of his ill and lonely subjects opting to let their government kill them in the hope his duchies will be able to extract more wealth from the deaths of vulnerable people?
Conclusion: The UK government is finally catching up with its former colonies and instead of sending its undesirable citizens to other countries it has decided to start asking them if they’d like to be killed by the state - humanely of course - instead of continuing to live.
🎭The (Planned) Mass Immigrant Migration Event
Over the last couple of years Western Nations across the world have had massive influxes of immigrants entering their countries. But have these migrations been natural? Were they simply allowed to happen? As Keir Starmer recently suggested when he blamed the previous UK government for allowing immigrants to freely enter the UK?
Or was this planned - say sometime in the early 2000s? Possibly by a certain member of a well known group of individuals? And might that same member also be the one who coined that group's name - “the intellectual dark web?” Independent journalist and researcher Johnny Vedmore would probably argue yes - it was planned and the chief architect of this plan was none other than Eric Weinstein.
The UN Johnny shows us hired Weinstein to help them come up with a plan to subvert nations whose populations the UN knew would oppose unfettered numbers of immigrants entering into their countries. As it happens then Eric Weinstein is the author of what has been called “the great replacement theory” and it just so happens that recently his brother Bret Weinstein at the rescue the Republic event made a call to Phoenix the Republic.
In the beginning of Bret’s speech he compares the myth of the phoenix's death and rebirth to what he sees as “Watching the modern West burn.” I’m sure though that Bret’s feelings of watching the West burn has nothing to do with the massive numbers of immigrants entering the US -
“Weinstein speculated that the mass migration of Chinese citizens into the US was part of an invasion related to Beijing’s Belt and Road initiative, as was the building of a bridge at the Darién Gap whose purpose was unclear to either locals or the construction crew”
So Bret is concerned about mass migration but only if the immigrants are Chinese because then they are part of a larger conspiracy by China to invade America - and having nothing to do with his brother and the UN of course. Do you think Bret was trying to channel his inner Donald Trump when he made those comments or do you think he was just constipated and struggling to think?
Bret then ends by asking the crowd to “think about the job we must do to Phoenix our Republic…It is for such moments that the Hopi Elders tell us - we are the ones we have been waiting for.”
That’s right, don't try to save your Republic, burn it down! It worked so well when the US Military and CIA tried it in Vietnam. Why not repeat it in the US this time?
The reference to the Phoenix has its roots not only in mythology but also in “Rosicrucian symbolism” and a CIA operation called the Phoenix Program - this operation was a part of the Vietnam War and the methods used included torture, imprisonment and re-education aka brainwashing - as Cynthia Chung shows us in her video “Like a Phoenix: The Death and Rebirth of America.”
While the CIA carrying out war crimes may not surprise anyone what may surprise some of you is the origins of the methods employed by the CIA in operation phoenix - The Tavistock Institute - but to learn more about that you’ll have to watch Cynthia's video.
Conclusion: The Weinstein brothers who have been critical opponents of current events linked to the UN are also helping the UN plan and capitalise on those same events - imagine my shock, imagine your shock, imagine Whitney Webbs shock.
Q: What Do You Get When You Mix Trump, Bitcoin and AI Together?
A: A Psyop and Some Very Interesting Conversations
This week Catherine Austin Fitts, Jason Bermas, Steve Poikonen joined Ryan Cristián for a discussion that covered the incoming Trump administration, Bitcoin and AI. I think the first time I heard someone mention that Bitcoin could be a psyop was an interview by Peter McCormack with Whitney Webb which was posted over 11 months ago. I’ve always been 50/50 on Bitcoin and recent events show that Bitcoin may not be the silver bullet many people think it is.
Whitney could see the dangers of a digital currency while “the powers that shouldn’t be” have plans for a completely controlled internet - digital ID, AI monitoring of all online activity etc. Now Trump has signalled that he will make Bitcoin part of the US Treasury’s assets which of course will be brought with already massively inflated and worthless US fiat dollars. Catherine believes this could be the beginnings of a plan by the bankers to try to instigate yet another wealth transfer - Bitcoin will be used to swap for real world assets before being dumped.
This is unfortunately not the only bad news for anyone who is a fan of BC - one of the many advantages of BC was that it could not be counterfeited and there was a limit on how many BC’s could be made. With the introduction of EFTs this is no longer the case and BC according to Fitts can now be counterfeited.
How does AI play a part in all of this? Well it turns out it plays a part in everything. AI may soon be running parts of the US government - AI recently sent BC to another AI - and AI targeting systems are currently being tested on Palestians by Israel.
Hopefully though this is all part of “the plan” and we can all rest easy knowing that Trump - who it was recently revealed has been having secret talks with JPMorgan CEO Jamie Diamon and who apparently has a ““man crush" on Dimon” - is going to save the free-world with the help of Elon Musk - who is producing brain chips to stick inside are heads and compares AI to summoning a demon.
Conclusion: Trump and Musk are probably not going to save the world unless they upload AI to their brains through some of Elons neuralink chips. Then they might be able figure out how to send all us plebs to Mars so that the oligarch can enjoy their planet in peace.
🐮Cow Burps Will Kill Us All
And just before you thought things couldn’t honestly get any sillier in the UK, farmers are now going to start giving their cows chemicals - that should not be breathed in - to stop their burps from killing us all - if you want to try to make some sense out of that you will find some help at OffGuardian.
✏️Conclusion: Next time you walk past a cow field make sure to wear a gas mask and do not create any sparks as cow farts are extremely dangerous: as can be evidenced by all the cow farmers who have died from breathing in these toxic gases for years and from the well documented cases of cows spontaneously exploding.
In other words; stay safe and follow Bill Gates - I mean the science follow the science -cow burps are bad m’kay
Thanks for reading!
P.S - I am still working on the latest book summary and it should be out next week